Episode 76

Back on Track

Published on: 2nd October, 2024

Episode 76: Back On Track

Host: @marcdiette


The latest episode of the Casual Nonsense podcast kicks off with a lively discussion about the recent Olympics, highlighting the performance of the U.S. teams and the quirky moments that made the games memorable. Marc and Lord Booze dive into their personal experiences and favorite events, including some light-hearted commentary on the unique volunteer jobs seen during the competitions.

As the conversation shifts to the NFL, they share their predictions and insights for the current season. Wrapping up the episode, a quirky fact about a temporary second moon adds a humorous twist, reminding listeners to embrace the casual and nonsensical side of life.

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Hey, everybody. Well, welcome to the casual Nonsense podcast. It's been a little bit since the last episode. Kind of took a little hiatus over the summertime.

I kind of feel like a teacher a little bit, but, yeah, just took a few months off just to kind of reconfigure and realign a few things, if you will. But we're back now. We want to have some more fun, talking some nonsense and just. Just kind of get back into it.

So one of the things that we're changing a little bit about the show is the show is going to be released on Mondays now instead of Tuesdays. So we'll do like an every other Monday release time. With exception to this episode.

This one's going to come out on a different day, but going forward, we're going to do Mondays. Well, I thought nothing better. Back to the show is to bring on the self proclaimed podcast champion. I have Lord booze with me today. Boozy.

What's up, brother?

Lord Bouz:

Great to be back. To be the returning champion of nonsense discussions. I'm thrilled.


It's something to hang on your resume, right?

Lord Bouz:

Like, yeah, it's. It's actually my second bullet point. My LinkedIn account. People want to look it up under Lord Booth. Yeah.


They want to know what's going on.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, yeah. It's absolutely great. And I'm glad to be back. And I know you've been pretty busy this summer. I heard you're seeing some.

You're going to have some public time discussing with your wife in front of the whole world, your marriage. So that sounds like it's gonna be exciting.


Yeah. So we. That's one way to word it, I guess.

years or so. So we have like:

So, yeah, we decided to start a podcast. She was excited, which, you know, which in turn makes me excited. So. So that's. You can find that on Tuesdays.

I'll put a link in the show notes, if anyone cares. But. But, yeah, it's gonna be fun.

Lord Bouz:

Takes a strong marriage to talk about. Talk about it on a podcast for everybody here. So it's. I'm already signed up and subscribed, and I can't wait to hear this one.


Nice. Well, we. We agreed when we started that what's said on the podcast like, to take nothing personal, you know what I mean?

Like, we can air some grievances, but we kind of do it with a, a bit of sense of humor. So we'll see. We're, you know, we're a handful of episodes in so far so good.

There's no, nothing's been thrown, no broken vases, vases, dishes, anything like that. So we're good.

Lord Bouz:

That's good. We don't want any war of the roses in the casual nonsense universe.


No, no. How about you, man? You've been doing all right? How's your summer been?

Lord Bouz:

I've been doing good. Summer's been good. I'm working on being an empty nester right now, which for someone my age is a little getting used to.

So, you know, speaking of kind of.


All your kids in college, right?

Lord Bouz:

All my kids are gone. Yeah. It's so we're getting used to that. But they're doing wonderful and great where they are and we're excited about that.

And summer has been flew by, man. Flew by.


Yeah. It really has. Yeah.

The last time we talked, the last episode I think we did was at least one of the last episodes was right at the beginning of the Olympics and we started getting into the Olympic discussion.

So I wanted to take a minute and follow up on the Olympic discussion because I know you had made a few predictions and I don't remember exactly all of them, but you know, as usual the, the USA kind of cleans house and metals and gold medals and things like that. So did you, first off, did you watch a lot of the Olympics?

Lord Bouz:

Oh yeah. I watched a ton of it, first of all. So here's my thoughts on it. I thought the opening ceremonies was weird and odd.

I, not getting to all the political stuff about it, but just the whole pouring rain going down the sun river and the parkour guy going over the buildings and stuff. It just, I'm a traditional Olympic guy with walk around the track and light the torch. So it was a little different for me.

So I didn't, I didn't like the way they laid that out. I know they were trying something different. The Olympics are now. So that was fine. I thought the Olympics itself was great.

get the guys, guy who won the:

It was just super awesome. And you know, Steph Curry was like my second.

twelve of his friends, about:


Oh, watching that finals. Yeah.

Lord Bouz:

Awesome. Yeah, we had a lot of fun hanging out with 20 year olds again. You know, that was interesting.


I tell you what, I was into the basketball this year. The game before the gold game. I think it's when they played. Was it serbia they played? Is that joker's team? That was a tough game.

I thought they almost blew that game. They had to come back for that. But it was good basketball. You know, I didn't expect to see good basketball, and I did.

Lord Bouz:

It was great basketball, except I think Steve Kerr was taking tips from Tim, our other casual nonsense member here, not playing Jason Tatum at all during the tournament. So I think there was a little conspiracy going on between Tim and Steve Kerr.


But Jason Tatum, I'm okay with that because I don't want him to be too tired for the season because, you know, the Celtics, you know, I want them to make a good run to repeat. So I didn't want to. I don't want to tire Tatum. We already got a couple of guys injured from there.

Like, I think, you know, holiday had a twisted ankle or something. I'm sure he's fine now, but, you know, you don't want to take that chance. Like, I like them playing for the country. Good for them.

But selfishly, you're on my team. I want you to, you know, I want you to be ready for the regular season.

Lord Bouz:

Totally. Totally. The other thing about the Olympics, I loved. I'm gonna butcher this poor man's name.

But that Youssef Yusuf Dukage, the turkey guy who was shooting the 10 air pistol, he looked like a James Bond villain. That guy was awesome. He made a viral thing. You know, everybody had these super cool glasses, and he just stood up and just shot it like a champ.

And everybody knows this kind of viral look of him shooting when everybody else has all the tech stuff, and he just goes up there and bang, bang, you know, I love that guy. He's gonna be definitely the next blonde movie.


Oh, did you check out the. Did you see that breakdancing video, the australian breakdancer?

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, I saw that.


Because I'm watching this, right? And I like the. Or the break in or whatever they're calling the thing. And I watched a couple other countries go, and it was awesome. Like, I love.

Like they did. It was to watch, like, actual dancers dance was very impressive. Like, it was some good moves.

And then I saw the clips later of the australian girl, and I thought it was kind of a joke, you know, I don't mean to make fun of her. But like, like, you really leave yourself open when you put yourself out there like that because it wasn't breakdancing, you.

Lord Bouz:

hance to make the Olympics in:


I like cruises, dance moves. Yeah, you might have to move to Australia, though, because the us team, you know, you got to compete. You know what I mean?

Lord Bouz:


Well, it's funny, the Olympics, you hear all these countries and you hear someone participating from some smaller country and they're from America because they have, you know, you can do the heritage thing if you're 50% this. So it just shows how deep the United States is.

People are playing in different countries, and because their mom went there more, her father was from there, and just shows you how deep, just the talent America is sometimes. It's just unbelievable.


But good for her. I mean, she had the, she had the balls to kind of get up and do her thing and like, she, she seemed okay with it.

And if she's okay with it, well, then, you know, who might a.

Lord Bouz:

She's the one to put herself out there, so, you know.


Yeah, sure.

Lord Bouz:

Those are my Olympic, my Olympic takes. I did, I did like some of the people who worked the Olympics.

I don't know if you saw some of the odd stuff going on with that with people volunteering and stuff.


I started making a list of some of the odd jobs as I'm watching the Olympics. And I don't know if these guys get paid or they get volunteered, but what are some of the jobs that you saw?

Lord Bouz:

All right, my two favorite. Okay, the cap retriever guy in the swimming pool who would.


Yes. When they lose their head caps, they have to swim to the bottom of the pool to get it.

Lord Bouz:

So I like that job is you're right there in the pool and you can watch everybody perform and you're like, you're like the man when you jump in the pool. But the guy was wearing a speedo. Like, if you just get in the cap, I'm not going to wear a speedo to get the cap.

I'm just going to wear a normal bathing suit with definitely a swimming shirt on as well because I'm not showing that physique like the swimmers are, but this guy goes, like, fully Speedo and to get the caps out of the pool. And that was how it get viral. I thought that was funny.

And the other one I liked a lot, I did some hardcore research, but a great volunteer job, the beach volleyball sand rakers?



Lord Bouz:

So you get to rake the sand around the beach volleyball court. That's a good volunteer job. Right near the Eiffel Tower, you have the volleyball players. I like that job.


That's not bad. That's not bad. Some other. Some other jobs that I saw was. Did you watch the BMX competition?

Lord Bouz:

Yes, I did.


So there was guys on top of the. I don't think they're guys, but there's someone holding that umbrella because it was so hot out there.

So you got someone just holding an umbrella above the bikers, like, keeping them in shade. Kind of a thankless job, I think, but it's a job.

Lord Bouz:

You know what drives me up with the BMX guys? What? Why do we suck in bmX? Like, I thought that was, like, our thing. Like, the French won it, and there's sports I've been watching.

Like, I thought we, like, even breaking. I don't think we won a medal in breakdancing, or we were, you know, like, I would think, like, we're like, we invented the darn sport.

like America. We. That's like:


I don't know, but I was entertained just the same. There was a lot of. A lot of cool tricks that those things would do, and it was.

It was cool to watch because, like you said, I grew up riding a BMX bike. Not to the level that these guys are doing it, but, you know, I'm. You know, I take a bike and I do a little bunny hop or something or spin the wheel.

These guys are doing flips and twists. I'm like, ah, it's awesome. It's really cool.

Lord Bouz:

I was thinking about the BMX. I think we should get the big wheels back. You know, those big wheels bikes when we were a kid. So I think we should have a race with that.

I think that'd be awesome.


Would you put adults in a big wheel?

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, that'd be awesome.


That's like a drunken fraternity game.

Lord Bouz:



Isn't that for Mister mom? When they do that? They do a little tricycle race.

Lord Bouz:

Revenge of the nerds, too. They had that, too. Like a little. I think we should go back to that. I mean, we did break dancing. We got ping pong and we got badminton.

I think we should have the big wheel race.


I think they're bringing gaming to the Olympics. I don't know if that's I think that's got approved last year.

Lord Bouz:

That makes sense. So it's like a. It's mean. People make so much money on gaming now, it's.


Oh, yeah. So, esports, I think, is the term, right? So I think that's coming. I don't know, what, four more years, I guess, next time, so that'd be kind of cool.

Lord Bouz:

Oh, the other thing with the Olympics, I question, why do we suck on three and three basketball?


Cause there's no NBA players playing. Like, these are just regular dudes.

Lord Bouz:

Why don't we have a regular players play like, we have?


Like, I don't know.

Lord Bouz:

There's 30 teams with twelve players on each team, so booze math is, like, 500 people, right? So you have, like, five guys, like, five women from the WNBA. They can go just like. Yeah, kill. I can name three guys right now, not New York Knicks.

That would be awesome to win the gold medal at three on three.


Yeah. No, I agree. I think there's an opportunity there. So maybe the rules or the committee says, maybe you can't be a professional.

Lord Bouz:



Because I'm watching some of those guys play. I'm like, they're not professionals. Like, they're good, but, yeah, not professionals. It's not the Americans. The Americans were, like, backyard.

Backyard ballers, you know? Like, Adam Sandler could have been out there playing for all we know. You know what I mean?

Lord Bouz:



Did you watch the surfing? The surfing event was fun.

Lord Bouz:

That was awesome. Those guys. Those guys are just. And ladies, too. Are you gonna be, like, nuts?


A friend of ours, cousin, and I probably should have wrote her name down, but she was the women's champion for us.

Lord Bouz:



Yeah, yeah.

Lord Bouz:

It's. It's wild.


I should have her name, but. But it was fun to watch. So another job would be the guys that drive the jet skis, like, when they're, you know, picking them up. That's a cool job.

Lord Bouz:

I don't think I'd last much longer. The jet skis, I'd be doing donuts.


I'd be like, I'm not picking you up. I just want to cruise around the jet ski. I watched a lot of the cycling. I thought the cycling was pretty cool the first couple of days.

The roads were wet, though, so people will wipe it out. But what I noticed is when they did the start time, every cycle cycler has, like, a motorcycle that rides behind it. You don't.

I mean, like, so you could be that motorcycle guy that kind of just follows your. Your person. Like, that'd be a pretty cool job. There's. What about an archery? I think you probably watch some archery, right? Someone's got to go.

Someone has to collect the arrows. You got to go retrieve those. So that's a. That's a position.

Lord Bouz:

You know what's a bad position? Work in the Olympic village. We won't go. Any details about that. But I heard you don't want to work in the Olympic village.


Well, I got a worse position. You got to have the horse manure collector.

Lord Bouz:

Oh, that's bad, too.


That's probably the worst one.

Lord Bouz:

Palace at Versailles, collecting manure from the horses. Yeah. That's terrible.


Yeah, for sure. Anyways, that's kind of my Olympic recap. I had fun watching it, and I was taking notes as we were going, figuring we'd talk about it at some point.

Yeah, it was fun. I know we talked going into it, how excited you were about it, and I had it on, like, pretty much every day.

I had a couple different tvs playing different events. Whenever I could check it out, I wanted to see some of the oddball events that you don't get used to seeing.

I thought the fencing was weird, the judo was weird, you know, like, I watched some, but I'm like, what's. What's happening right now? What's going on?

Lord Bouz:

Oh, wrestling's like that. I have no idea how they score points in wrestling. No clue.


Yeah. So there you go. Like, there's some cool stuff to watch, but some stuff. I was like, I don't know what's happening.

Lord Bouz:

It never disappoints. There's always some type of drama and controversy. And so, yeah, the Olympics is the best reality show ever created.


Might be. It could be right. Anyway, so the USA led the way with 40 gold medals. Well, they tied China. China also had 40. Japan came in third with 20.

You had Australia with 18. And then the home team, France, came in with 16 gold medals. And then I didn't go any deeper than that.

Lord Bouz:

Those are two booze locks, by the way. The gold medal, the US gold medal over, I won on the last day. So I pat myself on the back for that.


Nice. Good job. Good job. The total metal count for the US was high, too. It was like 100 and something.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, we really rank when you get to track and swimming. We just. We take a lot of medals in those two categories.


Hey, everyone, this is Stacey. And I wanted to tell you about an awesome podcast with Mark and I. It's called marriage and mayhem.

We've been together for, like, a thousand years, so we have the same number of stories to talk about. If you'd like to laugh, have a good time, or maybe just poke fun at us.

Give our podcast a try, marriage and mayhem, and you can find us on any podcast platform or find us in the show links listed in this episode. Now back to your podcast.


Anyway, so listen, we got, the NFL is now in full swing. We are at the end of week four here. So week five is coming up. We didn't do it. We didn't do an NFL like preview show. So we'll jump in.

We'll jump in right now, you know, not even a quarter of the way through, I think. But, like, who do you like from the east and who do you like from the west at this point based on four games?

Lord Bouz:

Well, AFC, I can't bet against Kansas City until someone beats them. But they've, you know, I don't want them to win. I'm not saying I want Kansas City. I can't, I can't bet against it.

ir teeth. Reminds me a lot of:

Oh, and they were barely winning games and it turns out the pass were kind of frauds at the end. But I'm not going to bet against the Chiefs. But, you know, the two teams is probably Buffalo or Baltimore.

That's going to give them the best competition. You know, it's a cheese. Baltimore, Buffalo and everybody else.


What about the west? Do you like out west?

Lord Bouz:

I love the commanders. Jayden, the rookie quarterback.


No, he's not going for. He's rookie's. A rookie.

Lord Bouz:

Have you watched the last three weeks? They're awesome.


Yeah, but they're just.

Lord Bouz:

Minnesota's been really good. I really like, I never thought Darnold would be that good, but Minnesota's been killing teams. They've been really fantastic.

Seattle's been frisky, but I don't. Who's going to go the Super bowl from the NFC, I have no idea.


Yeah, it's kind of wide open right now. So. From the AFC, I like, I like Buffalo despite how they just got their asses whooped to them by Baltimore. But I like Buffalo.

If they, if they can shape up their defense a bit, I don't mind Houston. If they can keep their stuff together.

They're, they're kind of a, I don't want to say a wild card team, but some days they look really good and some days they, they just, you know, like a piece away. I do like Baltimore, but I don't know.

Baltimore seems like they have times where they get, like, unfocused, but I think that their offense right now is, uh, is clicking pretty good. I mean, with Derek Henry on that team, like, it really. They're hard to stop.

If Lamar Jackson remains healthy, they're a hard team to stop offensively as long as he stays focused. I think that's, that's part of the problem, too.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, and we didn't mention Detroit, too. So I think if the Super bowl was now, I would be, I would say Detroit Baltimore or Detroit Kansas City. The ultimate Super Bowl.


I refuse to pick Kansas City just because they're, they're probably the worst four and o team I've ever seen. Like, they, they have a couple, like, their wins this year, a couple of them. They should not have been wins this year. You know, I mean, I don't know.

Pass interference doesn't exist.

Lord Bouz:

We can't talk as Patriot fans, you know, fumbling a ball when it was compelled, incomplete. That led to six Super Bowls.


Yeah, I mean, they still win. I mean, a w is a w. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how they got it.

Lord Bouz:

If you're, if you're, if you're cheering for sports fan misery, though, you want to see two sports fans, like, lose their minds. The best Super bowl will be Detroit Buffalo is someone's going to finally win a Super bowl, and the other ones are going to be absolutely devastated.

Again, as you know, we talked in the past, Lauren loves the, loves the devastated fan that just got their hearts, like Indiana Jones ripped out of their chest and shown to them. So Detroit Buffalo would be the ultimate of that type of game.


NFC, I like, I like Minnesota in the NFC. I don't know enough about their defense. And Sam Arnold is always that question mark. I mean, yeah, you're four and all right now.

You know, it's easy to be hyped up early on, but we'll see. I do like Seattle, though. I think Seattle seems to be a pretty complete team.

I don't know the competition that they're, they're facing at this point, so if they can stay consistent, I think they're going to be a team in the running. And I think if, I don't know if Christian McCarthy's out for the year.

Lord Bouz:

But he's gonna be out for a while. When it, when you say you're going to Germany to get your leg looked at, it's never a good thing.


It's never a good sign. So he potentially could be out, like, most of the year. The guy that got in there now is just as good anyway, or almost just as good.

But if he comes back, I don't know. It depends when he comes back, really. But I don't know. At the San Fran, I mean, they're still a solid team.

They have, like, essentially the same team as last year, minus, you know, minus Christian there.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah. I just think San Fran is a little.

I know it's tough to go back to back when you lose in the Super bowl, so I really think it's Detroit's year or nothing.


I hope. I hope. I like Detroit a lot, so I wouldn't. I wouldn't be mad at Detroit.

I think that they're, like you said, they're like a feel good team to get them in there.

Lord Bouz:

This is not a boozy unlock, but the beginning here. I did put some money down on Detroit having the best record in a parlay with the Patriots having the worst record.


Okay, well, don't tell that to the Bengals.

Lord Bouz:

$5 gets me $185 if that happens.


So what are. The one thing I'd like to see less of is I want to see less of the Kelsey brothers and commercials, please, can we just.

Can we just go on a Kelsey free commercial run, please? Like that would be okay. Like, I get it. They're popular, you know, let's move on.

Lord Bouz:

Not happening. No, it's not, you know, the Kelsey brothers, the new thing. But, you know, did you need to have Jason Kelsey on the Monday night game with the Eagles?

It was like a home game. Announcing that was a little.

I really ticked if I was the other team having to watch that game and hearing, you know, and actually, they blow it to that game.

But, yeah, it's Kelsey's all the time, and I don't want to get the swifties mad at me, so I'm going to be like, yeah, it's fine, but it's a little much mama Kelsey everywhere.


I mean, I get it. They're hot right now, but, like, come on, give the rest of us a break. Yeah, pretty, pretty please, you know? All right, so coming up soon, we have.

The NBA season is coming out soon.

So the next episode that we do here on casual nonsense, we're going to bring in Tim is going to come back to the show, and we'll do a little NBA preview. Let's see if he predicts anybody besides the Knicks. You know, they just made a trade for cat, so he's going to be pretty hyped up about that.

So, but that's coming up soon. So. Okay, so this weekend we have week five of the NFL. You have a couple of booze locks for us that we can.

I want to put, I'm going to put some money down on that right now. I'll put a buck on each.

Lord Bouz:

Booze locked for week five of the NFL season. Minnesota and New York jets are playing in jolly good old London.


Is London Jolly?

Lord Bouz:

Yes. The jets are two and a half point underdogs.

I'm still taking the Vikings and given the jets the two and a half points and picking Minnesota in that game.


Minnesota to win.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah. Buffalo is at Houston. Buffalo is getting a point and a half. I'm going to take the point and a half and pick the Bills in Houston.

Houston has looked okay but not fantastic. Buffalo is coming off the loss. I feel like that could be a easy game for Buffalo.


Easy might be a stretch, but I know what you mean.

Lord Bouz:

My Washington commanders are home against the Cleveland Browns and the commanders are giving up three points to the Browns. And I think they're going to. They can give up ten points to the Browns. I think the commanders are on a roll.

They're going to smoke the Browns on Sunday.


That's an odd line right there. I wouldn't think like because the Washington's what, three and one and what's Cleveland? Are they?

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, but the Cleveland. Cleveland's getting three points. If I said that wrong, Cleveland's getting three. So Washington's favorite.


That's just, that still doesn't seem like enough.

Lord Bouz:

I'm picking the commanders all day long.



Lord Bouz:

And then finally I'm picking Lamar Jackson. A time touchdown. Just got a feeling that he's going to have a anytime touchdown on Sunday. And that's my picks.


Those are good picks. I went all Lamar Jackson and fantasy football this year. I have him and Derek Henry in both my leagues that I'm in. So he's, he's carrying me.

And I did win money on Lamar Jackson anytime touchdown in week three. It was no, it was two. I think it was two touchdowns. I had a PS score twice and he did. So he's paying off me right now. He's doing well.

Lord Bouz:

That's good. That's really good.


I'm on the Lamar bandwagon this year. I'm all in.

Lord Bouz:

I'll see how he does in the playoffs is all that matters with Lamar. He can be MVP all he wants. Let's see what he can do in January.


Well, that's also true as he proved last year. Incredible. Season last year as well, and then couldn't, couldn't get past KC.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah. I have a secret hatred for the Ravens. I can't stand the Ravens. As a Patriots fan, I've just always hated the Ravens.

So, you know, it's not like, nothing personal, just, they always drove me nuts as a Patriots fan. The Ravens.


Oh, yeah, for sure. Like, well, because there's those years with their defense and like Ray Lewis and stuff, and they just had a lot. I agree.

Like, a lot of the teams in the AFC, I have a hatred for. I'm starting to get over that now that I'm, you know, now that the Patriots are back down to a kind of a basement team.

You know, there's less, there's less ego in football. So now I'm almost enjoying football in general now. Right. Because now I can watch all the games without knowing.

Like, even watching this weekend the Patriots lose to the Niners. Like, I didn't bother me as much. I went in with less expectation.

Lord Bouz:

I think that might be the case. But until Drake may starts, then you're going to be interested in seeing what's going on with them.


Oh, yeah. Like, I'm interested now. Like, I want to see them.

I'm hoping they, if they lose their games, I wanted them to lose close games, but that's, that hasn't been the case. They're getting blown out, the last couple, so.

Lord Bouz:



Their offenses is pretty pathetic. But did I hear that you have some sort of fun fact?

Lord Bouz:

I do.


Of the day?

Lord Bouz:



Okay, hit me with that.

Lord Bouz:

Did you know for the next month and a half, we have two moons?


Two moons on this, on this planet.

Lord Bouz:

Celestial bodies of two moons flying around Earth?


Um, I saw some clickbait about a second moon, but I did.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah, it's asteroid:

Now everybody's like, okay, let's, you know, that's wine and Danny. So I did some deep dive on this. Do you know this happens a lot? It happens like, every, like, few years we have a second moon or another asteroid.


So what's that do? Does that give us, like, you know, longer high tides or what?

Lord Bouz:

Nothing. But, like, conspiracy lord booze here. Like, what are these going to come and, like, hit us?


Like Armageddon coming?

Lord Bouz:

Is this a big myth that one of these is actually actually coming for Earth? And they're just saying it's a second moon. Like, I am like, this one's the size of, supposedly a school bus, so you can't.

It's not that big, but there was one the size of, like, the Empire State building, like, a couple years ago, so.



Lord Bouz:

I don't like this whole second moon thing. It kind of freaks me out to these asteroids that all of a sudden become part of Earth's gravity, or the moon gravity is floating around.

Like, I'm scared of a lot of things. You know, I'm scared to death of heart attacks, cancer, and I'm scared death of a flying asteroid coming and destroying the earth.

And it's one of my freak out things I have is asteroids. And I've watched too many shows. Couldn't you see them saying, there's a second moon, so we all wouldn't freak out?

And then the moon, the thing, actually comes and hits us. Like, they don't want, like, all the world to come to an end. So the second moon thing is actually a false narrative. That's my new conspiracy.

Lord Booze thought today, second moon is actually an asteroid gonna hit us.


Maybe they learned their lesson from Armageddon, right?

Like, you don't want the world to be in a panic, but right now, there's a team of, you know, blue collar drillers on their way to a spaceship to stop this bus sized moon from hitting, you know, getting through the earth.

Lord Bouz:

Yeah. Bruce Willis is coming, and Luke Wilson are heading up to the moon. Right? I mean.

I mean, we launched a satellite at an asteroid, like, three years ago. Then we hit it, and to knock it off course or something, like, why are we hitting this thing? Like, this thing's so close, it's getting our gravity.

Why don't we hit this thing with satellite booze?


I saw that movie. It was a good movie.

Lord Bouz:

t was a thing we did. I think:

They took this thing and crashed it into a small asteroid to move it somewhere in the universe, which I didn't like either, by the way. So why are you messing with something that's not touching us? But, uh, there's a second moon. It's all over the news.

And I'm just wondering, is there that secret space show that's going up in, like, the next week that we don't know about? That we have some. As you said, bruce Willis has to save the day for us.


Tell me. Tell me the name of the asteroid again.

Lord Bouz:



Pt five, yeah.

Lord Bouz:

2024, pt five. It originates from the arjuna asteroid belt, which contains rocks and orbits similar to Earth. Like, no one's freaking out.

It's going to be a moon from September 29 to November 25. Like, we all, we all dying on, like, thanksgiving. Is this thing going to crash? I mean, how does this thing stay in our gravity and then it goes away?


Are we going to be able to see it?

Lord Bouz:

I wasn't thought you could see it, but you can't see it with the naked eye. You need like a hard range telescope. Is there's not enough light because it's a smaller, it's not big. They said it's the size of a bus.

I don't know about you, but I don't want the size of a school bus landing in my backyard. So.


Yeah, good. I'm good with that.

Lord Bouz:

I'm good, too. So, yeah, it won't be visible. The naked eye do is small size and lack of brightness. What, does other asteroids have lights on them?

What does that mean? Lack of brightness for that one.


But morning lights. Yeah. You have landing lights and warning lights so we know they come in. So this one doesn't.

Lord Bouz:

This stuff, when I hear this stuff, it freaks me out. Like, there's actually these things running around that. It's okay. It's like, you know, a moon now we're cool.

Like, when's the one not gonna be the moon that's gonna, like, come in and, like, we're the dinosaurs again?


You know, you have a. Do you have a doomsday shelter where you are, like, you have a. You get one in your backyard. You got like a basement?

Lord Bouz:

No, I'm in New England. We can't even build a highway. You think I'm having a doomsday shelter? Like.


You don't know.

Lord Bouz:

I'm lasting 5 seconds in the asteroid destruction like the zombies we talked about, like, I have like five things of food in my house. There's no, I don't even, I don't even know how to shoot a gun or protect my house. Like, I'm over man. I'll be run by the hordes.

So that's my fact today. I think that will. I think that's a good one. And everybody should not sleep at night. No one.

There's a second asteroid flying around our solar, around the earth's gravity.


I'm gonna do some research and we're gonna. We're gonna see if we can track this trajectory of this.

Lord Bouz:



Of this moon.

Lord Bouz:

There we go.


Fantastic. Well, listen. Boost. Thanks for. Thanks for coming. Back to these welcome back show, if you will, to get us kind of jump started.

So, yeah, so we have some. We get some football stuff. We get some. Get the booze locks coming up. We got NBA talk coming up next time, and then we'll just see what happens, man.

We're just gonna have some same idea. We're gonna bring some people in and just kind of chitchat as we go through here and talk about things like extra moons and I Olympic jobs.

So there you go. That's the kind of nonsense you get on this channel.

Lord Bouz:

I hope we have another podcast. I'm just hoping this asteroid goes away so we'll be podcasting again down the road.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, man.

Lord Bouz:



All right, everybody. Thanks for listening, and stay casual.

Lord Bouz:


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Casual Nonsense
A show about everything and nothing, all together
A Podcast about the nonsense that takes place in everyday life.

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Marc Diette

Podcast Enthusiast, I have 4 children, 1 grandchild, Lover of Nachos, and I speak fluent sarcasm.

Host of Casual Nonsense
Co-Host of The Double Take
Co-Host of Marriage and Mayhem